Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Start of Society

I'm quite sure that Jane Austen herself would have quite a lot to say about starting up a gathering in her honor, but I'll just give you the info on our group for now. We are not "official" in the eyes of most Janeites since we are not yet members of The Jane Austen Society of North America, but initially we thought we'd just try getting together once or twice a month to watch a movie and talk about film and books, mostly those having to do with Austen's body of work. We are starting out with a long list of movies that we want to watch over the course of the next year or two. Let me know if there are more that need to be added! If you can't wait for our gatherings, be sure to catch "The Complete Jane Austen" which is airing on Masterpiece Theatre on PBS throughout the year (2008) and is showing on Sunday evenings at 8 P.M. in our area. Look for a list of movies in the next blog. Thanks!

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